Web mapping, as the combination of the web and GIS (Geographic Information Systems), is a new and promising field. It has unlocked the power of GIS, and put online maps and geospatial data. It has immense applicability to Cultural Heritage fields. If you have a previous knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and would like to focus on Web GIS basics to distribute and collect data using the internet, this course if for you. The course will provide you with a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of Web GIS, including the basic concepts, principles and related fields. It aims at learning the basic technologies used in web programming and how they interact to form a web application. You will gain basic knowledge and enough understanding of these technologies to be able to create a web-mapping application. Moreover, you will be introduced to the principles of building an archaeological Web GIS project, with focus on the combination of PostGIS/PostgreSQL and MapServer. In conclusion, you will be guided to the use of DAI's open platform for sharing geospatial data and maps based on GeoNode.

With the continuous growth of digital data related to cultural heritage, archaeological sites, archaeological objects and historical buildings, creating and managing a proper database becomes essential for professionals working in the field. This course provides a general introduction to databases, and introduces the popular relational data model. It also uses open source programs. You will learn the basics of database design and SQL (the Structured Query Language). Using SQL for database creation you'll learn about single table queries and the basic syntax of the SQL language, as well as database design with multiple tables, foreign keys, and the JOIN operation.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a key technology for archaeologists and professionals from related fields. Open source GIS such as QGIS provide powerful plattforms for the mapping and processing of spatial information. This course provides readers with the theoretic background and practical skills to understand and process archaeological spatial data using QGIS.